曹爽 博士 讲师 我校新普京澳门娱乐场网站,江苏常州 213164 办公电话: Email: scaocindy@cczu.edu.cn |
2006.08-2011.06 中国石油大学 (北京),地质工程专业,理学学士
2009.07-2011.05 美国阿拉斯加大学费尔班克斯分校 (UAF),地质工程专业,理学学士
2011.08-2013.08 美国密西西比大学 (OleMiss),地质工程专业,理学硕士
2013.08-2018.05 美国路易斯安那州立大学 (LSU),土木工程专业,哲学博士
2021.07-至今 我校,讲师
2019.03-2021.07 辉固国际集团 (Fugro) 美国休斯顿总公司,岩土工程师
2018.07-2019.03 美国奥克拉荷马州立大学 (OSU),博士后
1. Victor, T.; Cao, S.C.; Flores, F.A.; Roque, D.C.; Nabor, P.B.;Normalized modulus reduction and damping ratio curves for Bay of Campeche calcareous clay to carbonate mud. Offshore Technology Conference, 2021.
2. Jang, J.; Cao, S.C.; Stern, L.A.; Waite, W.F.; Jung, J. Lee, J.Y.; Potential freshening impacts on fines migration and pore-throat clogging during gas hydrate production: 2-D micromodel study with Diatomaceous UBGH2 sediments. Marine and Petroleum Geology, Volume 116, June 2020.
3. Cao, S.C.; Jang, J.; Waite, W.F.; Jung, J.; Collett, T.S.; Kumar, P.; Clogging behavior of fine-grained sediment associated with gas hydrate production in NGHP-02 gas hydrate reservoir sediment. Marine and Petroleum Geology, SI: Gas Hydrate India NGHP-02, 2019.
4. Cao, S.C.; Jung, J.W.; Radonjic, M; Application of microfluidic pore models for flow, transport, and reaction in geological porous media: from a single test bed to multifunction real-time analysis tool. Microsystem Technologies, 2019.
5. Jung, J.; Kang. H., Cao, S.C.; Al-raoush, R.; Alshibli, K., Lee, J.Y.; Effects of fine-grained particles’ migration and clogging in porous media on gas production from hydrate-bearing sediments. Geofluids, Volume 2019, 5061216, PP11.
6. Cao, S.C.; Didie, A.; Daniel, W. B.; Radonjic, M.; Characterization of wellbore cement additive gilsonite sealing behavior with hydrocarbon interaction implication for wellbore plugging, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2018.
7. Cao, S.C.; Radonjic, M.; Application of microfluidic pore models in stem: from petroleum engineering and geoscience research to engaging educational tool. Poster Presentation, Flow and Transport in Permeable Media. GRC, 2018.
8. Jung, J.; Cao, S.C.; Shin, Y.; Al-Raoush, R., Alshibli, K.; Choi, J.WA.; Microfluidic pore model to study the migration of fine particles in single-phase and multi-phase flows in porous media. Microsystem Technologies, 2018.
9. Jang, J.; Cao, S.C.; Stern, L.A.; Waite, W.F.; Jung, J.; Impact of pore-fluid chemistry on fine-grained sediment fabric and compressibility. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 2018.
10.Jang, J.; Cao, S. C.; Boze, L. G.; Jung, J.; Waite, W. F.; Volume change in fine-grained sediments due to pore water salinity changes: gas hydrate-bearing sediments and pore water freshening during gas hydrate dissociation, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2018.
11.Jung, J.; Cao, S.C.; Al‑Raoush, R.I.; Alshibli, K.; Fines migration and clogging behavior in methane hydrate bearing sediments. Qatar Foundation Annual Research Conference Proceedings, Qatar 2018.
12.Cao, S.C.; Jang, J.; Waite; W.F.; Jafari, M.; Jung, J.; A 2D micromodel study of fines migration and clogging behavior in porous media: Implications of fines on methane extraction from hydrate bearing sediments. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2017.
13.Jafari, M.; Cao, S.C.; Jung, J.; Geological CO2 sequestration in saline aquifers: Implication on potential solutions of China’s power sector. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 121, 137-155, 2017.
14.Jang, J.; Cao, S.C.; Waite; W.F.; Jung, J.; Impact of pore-water freshening on clays and the compressibility of hydrate-bearing reservoirs during production. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, Denver, Colorado, USA, 2017.
15.Jafari, M.; Cao, S.C.; Jung, J.; Comparison of pore-scale CO2-water-glass system wettability and conventional wettability measurement on a flat plate for geological CO2 sequestration, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2017.
16.Cao, S.C.; Dai, S.; Jung, J.W.; Supercritical CO2 and brine displacement in geological carbon sequestration: micromodel and pore network simulation studies. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 44, 2016.
17.Cao, S.C.; Bate, B.; Hu, J.W.; Jung, J.; Engineering behavior and characteristics of water-soluble polymers: implication on soil remediation and enhanced oil recovery. Sustainability 2016.
18.Jung, J.; Cao, S. C; Ahn, J.A.; Characterization of biopolymer solution used for soil remediation and petroleum production. J. of Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation, 14, 2014, 109-14.
19.Cao, S.C.; Dai, S.; Jung, J.W..; CO2 Brine Displacement in Geological CO2 Sequestration: Microfluidic flow model study. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2014.
20.Holt, R.M.; Kuszmaul, J.S.; Cao, S.C.; Powers, D.W.; Evaluation of hydraulically significant discontinuities in Doc kum group mudrocks in Andrews County, Texas. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2013.
2. 美国国家科学院海湾研究(NAS),20000883,以减轻释放碳氢化合物为目的用于井眼堵塞及修复高级阻挡材料研究,2017-2020,$2,614,143美元,结题,参与人。